Thursday, October 6, 2011

Two days in a row!

I found a verse in scripture today that kind of blew me away...I'm sure I've read this before but for some reason it never stood out until today:

"But there is a spirit within people,
     the breath of the Almighty within them,
that makes them intelligent."
                                  ~Job 32:8

The whole verse is beautiful, but what stuns me is that middle line. Read it again.

...the breath of the Almighty within them...

I read this verse during a a reading plan on wisdom. Not only is it beautifully written, but it gives me hope. I do not always make the smartest decisions. Those not so wise decision usually come when it's something I'm not sure about and I just decide on my own what I should say/do. I don't pray about it, or consult the bible...I just use my own "wisdom." I'm not saying I always make poor choices, but if I'm going to be honest, I've made more than my fair share of them.

This is where the hope comes in to play. The more I turn towards Jesus, the more I pursue Him, the more like Him I will become. Or, the more I let the breath that He breathed into me flourish, the more wise I will become. I by no means think that means I will never screw up or make mistakes. I do think it means I will think and act more like Jesus...and will hopefully be wiser for it.

Really though, I can't get over the beauty of that passage. I'm a big fan of tattoo's and have several. All but one highlights my faith, and all are in places that are easily covered should I need to cover them. I keep thinking about this verse in a flowery script as a tattoo somewhere....if I can think of somewhere to have it inked that I can easily cover, it will be my next one. As it stands now, I have a tattoo on my right ankle, my left shoulder, my lower back, and both wrists. Any ideas where I can get the new one? :-D

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