Today's challenge is to find a quote that stands out to me on being a woman or womanhood. I read through a LOT of them. Some of them were funny, some were extreme...but one in particular did stand out:
Women are never so strong as after their defeat.
Alexandre Dumas
This one struck me because of my Six Word Memoir. It also stood out to me, however, because of my life at the current moment.
We all experience ups and downs in life...after all, what fun is the amusement park without a couple of rides on a roller coaster? At some point though, you reach your limit. No matter how much you would like to, you can't take one more dizzying ride. That's where the memoir and this quote intersect.
My life has not been a particularly difficult one...but it has not been a particularly easy one either. I dealt with issues with my family that I'm guessing very few other teenage girls dealt with...perhaps some day it will be appropriate to share those, but for now, just know that they lend themselves to where I am at today. That is, of course, in addition to the hundreds of other things that girls DO typically have to deal with...and at some point, you encounter a collision of epic proportions.
What's funny, in an ironic sort of way of course, is that I can identify most of my issues. I'm sure there are some that I can't, or rather refuse, to see...but generally speaking, I know "what's wrong with me." I can also tell you things that need to be done or implemented to make these things better...but I can't seem to do it. Which leads me to where I'm at at this moment...looking to the past and determining to be better. Recognizing that, while at this moment I feel defeated, God WILL use this for my good and make me stronger. That is why this quote stood out to me. It speaks to the reality of the pain we suffer, and the hope that we have of being stronger when it is overcome.
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