Most people begin the new year with a resolution or promise to themselves to finally "get healthy." Gym memberships spike, produce supply gets depleted faster at the grocry store, and social media posts toting a "new healthier me!" flood our newsfeeds.
But it's February now. The treadmills aren't quite as hard to access at the gym, fruits and vegetables are more available, and most of our health obsessed friends have gone mysteriously quiet.
To be sure, there are some who stick with their goal and are still posting their progress. The committment they've made is a serious one and they should be applauded.
But how healthy are they...really?
Far too often, we associate being "healthy" with eating right and exercising. But it's far more than that. Our lives and how we live them speak volumes more about our health than the number on the scale or the number of reps we can push through.
Most of the time, we don't even realize how unhealthy we really are. So what if we go out for drinks and have a few too many? Who cares if we're prideful and boast of our accomplishments? (Please understand: there is a difference between being proud of an achievement and elevating yourself above others.) Why does it matter if we alienate people who care about us if there are others who are willing to affirm the choices we make?
In the last 2 years, I've lost 60 pounds, compelted several 5k's and even my first half marathon. (#2 is slated for October of this year, wish me luck!" I'd say that physically, I'm far healthier than I've ever been.
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that our bodies are temples. Taking care of this temple does not just mean routine maintenance. It means making sure that the inside is in as good of condition as the outside, that not only is it in good physical condition, but it's a pleasing, welcoming, wholesome place as well.
There are areas where I am far from healthy and I've ignored them for a long time. I'm guessing you have some too. My areas may be different than yours...I may struggle with thinking positively of myself, you may struggle with a party life style. This year has been very eye-opening for me. Not only has it been about continuing on my physical health goals, I've become much more aware of the other areas of my life that need to be "new and healthier."
The first thing on my list is the most important: to know and truly understand how valuable and loved I am as a daughter of the most high God. I firmly believe that it's from this lack of belief (a VERY unhealthy habit) that most of my other, non-physical health issues have sprung.
So I'm on a be a newer, healthier me. As my friend Sammy recently posted, this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. I encourage you to join me. I promise, it may be hard and painful at times, but only good things will come of it. :)
It may be difficult, but evaluate your "non-physical" health. What areas need a newer, healthier you?
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